Young passengers below 2 years (23 months) are classified as infants (Will be classified as a child If traveling on their 2nd birthday).
Young passengers above 2 years and below 12 years (24-143 months) are classified as children (Will be classified as an adult if traveling on their 12th birthday).
EZNIS Airways is unable to accept infants under 14 days onboard, despite being accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Reservation and Ticketing
As the seating availability for infants per flight is limited, contact us in advance to book a ticket to travel with an infant. Please note that infant’s passport and birth certificate are required at the time of booking.
Infant safety seat
If a passenger is traveling with 2 babies, one baby will come with a safety seat and occupy a separate seat in the ‘child’ category, and the other baby will sit on the lap of the caregiver without occupying a special seat. One adult may travel with 2 infants. In this case, the following rules apply.
The child safety seat must be installed and properly secured by aircraft security belt. The length of the seat must be no longer than 65 cm and height must be more than 45 cm.

“Eznis Airways” LLC allocates infant seats according to ratio of emergency oxygen masks to supplementary child safety belts.
Note: Please click HERE to review the laws and regulations of travelling with minor children.
We prioritize and pay special attention to ensure pregnant mothers have safe and pleasant travel experience with us. Please notify about your pregnancy at the time of booking.
We allow pregnant mothers traveling within 36 weeks of pregnancy without complications. For pregnant passenger’s safety (Appendix 7.12A), we require Expectant Mother Travel Advice Form to be filled out by the obstetrician to find her fit for air travel.
The form must be submitted within7 days prior to flight date. Certificate dated earlier than 7 days prior to travel is considered invalid.
If carrying twins within 28 to 32 weeks of pregnancy, traveling while pregnant is accepted.
Pregnant travelers are asked to inform about how long they will be into pregnancy on the travel date while booking.
At time of booking, Expectant Mother Travel Form (EMTF) is not required for pregnant travelers not reached 28 weeks of pregnancy and earlier. The form can be filled at the registration for flight by the expecting mother.
Eznis Airways LLC does not allow pregnant passenger onboard 14 days before giving birth and mother within the first 7 days after giving birth.

Passengers who need special assistance during the boarding, deplaning and during the flight have to fill out MEDIF form. ( Medical Information Form, signed and stamped by passenger’s doctor stating your medical condition, allergies and other medical information) Appendix 7.9 A
If you have the following symptoms and conditions during the registration, the passenger will be taken to be examined by the airport doctor:
Any contagious diseases
Passengers whose fitness for air travel is in doubt, whether because of recent instability, disease or treatment.
May be considered a potential hazard to the safety of the flight (change the direction of the flight or unplanned landing)
Requires medical attention and/or special equipment during the flight
Passengers with conditions that may worsen during the flight is required to have medical clearance from their doctor and must fill out Eznis Airways medical form (Appendix 6.11Б) to be allowed for transportation. The medical for is subject to identification document of the passenger. The form must be filled on the basis of the identification document.
Note: We have the right to refuse to carry passengers if their medical requirements are not met. In most cases, passengers with disabilities are not required to provide, medical examinations clearance.
In most cases, passengers with disabilities are not required to provide, medical examinations clearance.
Companion: If the passenger did not provide medical clearance or MEDA form to proof to be fit for travel alone, the passenger must travel with a companion.